Terms and conditions

Copyright © NOCTURN

These terms and conditions govern the way in which we supply products or services to you, including any online classes. Please read these terms carefully before you submit your order to us. 


We use third party payment providers-PayPal. Payment for the Products or services must be made at the point of purchase. Please note that we must receive your payment in full before providing you with access to the products or services, including online classes.

Your payment includes the licensing of the products or services (online classes) for a limited period of time, 180 days from the day of payment, that is appropriate for the online content. We are unable to provide a refund if you fail to complete the content within the allocated time (180 days from the day of payment) except at our absolute and sole discretion. 

We reserve our rights to review and change the pricing of any of our products or services, including online classes. This will not affect products or services including online classes that have already been purchased.


We follow a strict No Refund policy. Where Products or services including online classes are delivered to you immediately, you will not have the right to change your mind. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet the system requirements, including compatible hardware, software, telecommunications equipment and Internet service, prior to purchasing any content. We are unable to provide refunds where your access to the Products or services including online classes is inhibited due to insufficient system requirements. 

We may restrict your access to the Products or services including online classes if you breach these terms, including without limitation:

a) A failure to make any payment due to the third party payment provider; or

b) Failure to provide accurate information that is necessary for us to provide the Products or services including online classes to you.

In these circumstances, we will inform you in writing that your access to the Products or services including online classes will be restricted.


The starting date of your access to the Products or services including online classes is deemed to be the date that you first enrolled the course by making payment. You will have access to the online classes you purchased for 180 days. As such, it is your responsibility to ensure that you complete the content within the allocated time period. 

Our aim is to provide courses and materials of the highest quality. As such, improvements or changes to the Products or services or any other materials may occur at any time without prior notification in order to ensure that they are up to date and accurate. 


You may not allow anyone else to access the online classes via your log-in details. You must comply with all safety rules and regulations and any other reasonable security requirements that apply at the premises at which the online classes are provided. NOCTURN reserves the right to remove any delegate from an online course whose behavior is deemed inappropriate by us. In these circumstances we will neither refund any fees nor reimburse any other costs. 


All intellectual property rights in all Class Material available, including the design, pictures, graphics and text of all printed materials and the video, are owned by NOCTURN. When you are given access to the online Class Material, you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use the online class Material. No Class Material may be copied, reproduced, uploaded, posted, shared, displayed or linked to in any way, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of NOCTURN. Any such use is strictly prohibited and will constitute an infringement of NOCTURN intellectual property rights.


These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Republic of Korea or International Commercial Law. 


NOCTURN is always looking to improve its contents, and welcomes feedback. If you would like to provide feedback or file a complaint regarding an online class, please contact us via email ([email protected]). Grievances are taken very seriously and will be addressed in a timely and thoughtful manner.  

This was last updated in September 2021.